*:・゚✧*:・゚✧Projects✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The Stars Shine Bright
The Stars Shine Bright is the project that I've dedicated most of my life to. It's had an iron grip on my brain since I was very young, and actually putting it out there for people is a dream come true. It's a pokemon comic with an original story centered around a mew and the science experiment she learns to befriend... who is not a mewtwo! It has a strong emotional core, and charming characters. Even when they're nasty. Truly though, I focus in on slice-of-life elements and banter, in between the life-shattering events that happen between them.
A PMD-inspired comic that takes place in the same world as TSSB, but half a decade before. It's based on Rescue Team -- in location. The story is entirely changed. The main protagonist remains in the same world she was born in, a world where pokemon are already equals with humans, leading similar lives... the only thing is, she's envious of their magic powers. And in gaining them, well, she doesn't want to go back! When her family expects her to come home... she's caught between her wants, and the responsibility of the burden she's placing on others.
TSSB Extra: All Roads Leads to Home
Before the events of The Stars Shine Bright, Myu and Clara enjoyed a simple life. After a very young Myu goes missing during a thunderstorm, Clara has to race to find her!
TSSB Extra: Steven, Roxanne, and the Baby Blues
Shortly after Atticus's creation, his scientist parents find that he keeps them up all night and all day with his crying, and they can't seem to figure out what's bothering him...
TSSB Bits: The Sea
Art by AgentNein, author of Milos From Home, a PMD Blue Rescue comic. Prose by me.The world of The Stars Shine Bright takes place in a modern setting where all species are equal; science has advanced to a point that meat can be synthetically made without ever having belonged to any living person. However, the ocean is massive; settlements exist, but it is impossible to hope to govern the entire thing. Even now, those who stray too far out to sea can, and often do, go missing...

TSSB Bits: Tradition
Art by Mystxmomo (Main Blog). Prose by me.In the underwater city of Lochset, Alliair, traditional values are rigidly upheld. The city itself is built into the rocks under the lake, and the massive crystal in the center creates an environment that is similar to a Mystery Dungeon, keeping trespassers out. Unlike their evolution, vaporeon, eevees cannot breathe underwater, so it is common for vaporeons who live exclusively underwater to come on land to raise their young. In Lochset, they waste no time having their children follow them back home, and other evolution paths are not considered.

TSSB Bits: Needs of the Many
Art by Wooled, author of On Borrowed Time, a PMD EoS Dungeonlocke. Prose by me.Magic exists in this world, and some places are far more saturated in it than others. Pokemon, being made of magic themselves, are easily melded by it, and often live in harmony with concentrated environments like this. On the other side of things, humans have an incredible magic resisting property that allowed them to keep their bodies stable in these environments, but this trait comes with a price: humans passively drive the magic in nature away from them. While humans and monsters live as equals, there are still places where their ways of life are incompatible...

TSSB Bits: True Love
Art by t3ntacat (Main blog / Deviantart). Prose by me.We have learned that humans and pokemon share lives with one another! They have equal lives and communicate freely, collaborating on the world they want to live in together. Sharing such similar lives, it's not unheard of, or even taboo, for partners to spend the rest of their lives with each other, no matter the size or species they may be. Although humans and pokemon aren't compatible in a way that would allow them to have children, adoption is very popular and common!

*:・゚✧☆Written Work
TSSB Extra: Cats On A Hot Tin Roof
During a particularly hot day at the Dynamene City Research Facility, intern Dielle Thundara accidentally breaks the only working air conditioner in the data management center where Roxanne Stone is sweltering away. Roxanne assures her everything is fine, but Dielle wants to make up for it somehow.
TSSB Extra: That Electrifying Feeling!
Dielle is very interested in everything that happens in the lab, and is more than eager to discuss anything with her superiors. Unfortunately for her, her first chance glimpse of Atticus Stone happened to be him raiding the breakroom fridge, something his parents are less than thrilled to hear about. Her anxiety gets the better of her as she accidentally zaps Steven Collins, so now she and Atticus have to sneak around to find a cure before anyone finds out!

*:・゚✧☆Coding Projects
April Fool's 2019
My first "big" coding project, it was an idea I was kicking around for a while as an event for my comic, and the announcement that that year was a big anniversary for the World Wide Web was what pushed me to actually go through with it. Now I try to do something like it every April!
April Fool's 2021
You could call this one "Kitschymew 1.0". I put a lot of stuff on it that let me visualize the direction I wanted to take a possible Neocities site; full of kitsch, glitter, and any funny ramblings I can think of.
April Fool's 2022
I gave my readers cookies for this one.