To-do list: Admire more mews
March 17, 2025
really, working on this site again has been quite nice
having several hobbies to switch between keeps us sane. very occasionally i'll scrapbook too, but there is a problem with that. ever since beginning, i had been haunted by the thoughts of the "right way" to fill the pages. how it is i should go about utilizing the space to the highest degree to fill it with both with things i like, and to create something that is "palettable". but the audience is really just me. and there's no "right" way to scrapbook. but i couldn't help but harbor those thoughts when i attempted to fill a page
and so i've scared myself out of scrapbooking.
the relationship i have with drawing is very similar. for a long time, i have worried about the "right" way to pursue it, and even now with more refined skills, the abuse i put myself through doesn't just fade. the pursuit of my own art rarely excites me anymore, it is only through the love of the story i tell that i continue to pursue it, to try to expand my skills. but it's scary to fail, because i'm afraid of how i'll punish myself
while working on web-crafting and learning new programming languages for it (lately, it's been javascript... it's difficult for me), it's been my goal to exclusively have fun doing it. if i can't figure something out immediately, i have to remind myself that it's not my fault, i just don't know enough about how it works yet. web design is a completely different type of art from drawing, so it is much easier for me to separate all of the self-inflicted wounds i gave myself while trying to become an artist and just fully enjoy myself without worry. i remember what it was like to start learning html for the first time, the sense of wonderment it gave me. that feeling hasn't faded. i know how to read and write css with some level of fluency now, but i'm still amazed by all the things that people can use even the same techniques for. so, i'm glad i came to this hobby.
i hope that one day i can feel that way about drawing again too
March 16, 2025
i am thinking about updating the changelog into an element that is directly on the front page as opposed to an iframe. the problem with an iframe is that if you don't know there's a change, you have to hard refresh... and yknow, it's unlikely that there are THAT many people checking back often enough that it matters, but also i think i could make it look prettier which would make ME happy.
i'm also wondering if the front page is getting too long. maybe if there were more content in the sidebars, i wouldn't feel as conscious of it. i like all the stuff on it though is the thing. i thought about moving the site link banners to the links page, but i also don't really want to do it because i like looking at them. the background not tiling bothers me, but i like it because i made it. it wasn't made to BE a website background to begin with, i just had it as an asset from my comic, but it's one i reuse so much because i really like it. it is really jarring when it ends though. maybe if i force it to always display at 100% length? that will probably start getting ugly in its own right as the page gets longer.
March 11, 2025
boy am i glad i didn't set up my guestbook through 123guestbook when i opened this site. not that i think it's a good thing it's closing down. i think that's horrible. who's to say html commentbox couldn't be next, either... i've already lived through my fair share of website closures. i used to host my webcomic on smackjeeves -_- still, if nothing else, i'm glad i don't have to pack up and move sites for a little while yet. pleasegoddon'tfuckingobliteratemycommentsagain
oh hm. y'know, maybe i should find a way to archive my old comments from smackjeeves on my site here? i do still have them, i got help scraping them. that could be a neat project to consider for later
March 10, 2025 (whoa fuck it's mario)
YAYYYYY i have a blog!! :3 originally i was going to try the dreamweaver blog trick, but with how infrequently i blog in the first place + only the most recent 14 entries from the last 2 weeks actually showing... not worth the trouble. this is way cuter and way more personalized anyway. all my beautiful thoughts will be logged here for all time (read: until link rot sets in. the internet is forever unless you're looking for something specific, then it is summarily gone forever)
it's always really nice to get a burst of inspiration to update this site again. i should funnel that energy into this year's april fool's layout for my comic before time runs out. now that i'm here too, it's time to combine some sidebar nav links (why do i have credits AND links? same thing)
- wiki for my comic
- maybe do a tyranitar page. i love tyranitar
Nothing in the pokemon series implies any kind of inherent "godlihood" in the mew species, and although some rarer species in the Pokemon world do have have a natural role to play in nature, mew is not one of them. Mew's job as a species was to exist and live, and then to die out as its offspring slowly became other things over millions of years. At least, that's the basic implication of it by PokeDex entry, which you can (and I do) take at varying degrees of skepticism.
Mew is baby. The remaining mews mostly just bing bong around the world doing fuck all. And I love that for them. The only mew with a "job" is the one living at the Tree of Beginning in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, where it has a symbiotic relationship with the tree. Most of the time it spends doing fuck all, though.