- adjective
(of art, objects, or design) considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way.
Hi, I'm Pika!! Mew is my favorite pokemon if you couldn't tell, so this is my little Mew Haven where I plan to put all kinds of stuff I like and collected, which mostly happens to include a built-in excuse to pile all my favorite mew pictures somewhere. I'm usually a person of few words, so I'll let my collections speak for themselves! I'll update this site when I can. Check back often! Always under construction, babey. And remember: All mews are girls unless they're not.
As the internet gets more and more centralized by corporate entities, I believe it is our moral imperative to customize websites wherever we can. While I don't think that I'm changing the world by making a glittery website, I think "doing whatever you can within your power" is an adequate path toward the change you want to see in the world.
Kitschymew makes no effort to be mobile-friendly in any way, shape, or form. It's best viewed on a desktop, and uses a lot of moving images! Depending on the page, there will be significant eyestrain for those sensitive to it. You will also find that the shrine pages, which are located under Collections, have autoplaying music, which is meant to give those pages a "personalized" feel, as if the characters had a say in them.

SV: 151/Mew ex, Legend Maker/Mew ex, Paradox Rift/Rika

NEW CHANGELOG FOR REAL. and i love the look of it a lot more
if you're reading this, new changelog that is basically the same thing except this time not an iframe and is also now putting a bunch of lines onto my index sheet
added a blog and updated the nav! also combined the credits and links pages with each other because they were redundant
edit: also added the mawile shrine!! mew finally has a friend
just doing some minor edits and clean up! not dead, just very lazy.
exciting news!! there's now a game you can play right here on Kitschymew! it's called Mew Flight Simulator, and it was made by my friend Roka, based on some conversations we were having during stream chat. take a look, give it a play! you can find it on the Collections page
i am (slowly) going to try adding things......... even when they're wip. you should know i'm alive, at least. that said, i have been toying around with a wiki for my comics' world that i would like to host here. this is something i've always wanted to do, but that doesn't quite have space on my actual main website for the comic (due to how elaborate and wordy it is. and god forbid am i going to host this on a fandom wiki.). something people on neocities can explore, and something my comic readers can dive into if they want more content. best of both worlds.
of course... i don't quite have it linked anywhere at the moment.
we're so back
did a bit of cleanup around the site and added a couple of small things. i put the site buttons on the front page! they look nice there underneath the terrifying flashing 2002 ads
well. jesus christ on the whole imgur thing huh. i mostly had everything self-hosted, but pretty well nice and terrified glancing around and noticing what things weren't hosted somewhere else and going "ah fuck what even was that image". so that'll be fun for the next couple months.
working on updating the copyright year because i didn't use javascript the first time so i have to fix that on all the pages
on the bright side, the projects page has some new works on it
ok i don't have a blog yet so i'm gonna complain here about how i seem to always be 10 years too late to all the custom website shit that died off years ago when it was determined they were "bad web design" or "annoying". hey fuck you the web is dripless and bland and i'm tired of living in the future where customization is actively discouraged. this is about animated cursors btw
appended some more site buttons! i noticed someone using the other buttons i made, and i thought that was actually a great idea!! so they're officially included too, especially since i really am partial to that "Mew Now!" button
and so, the navbar is finally full of links that go somewhere. plus, i've added a site button in case anyone wants to link me!
added some new pages!
i've done it again gamers! i've added a new page to my site that still doesn't fix the 4 broken links on the nav bar! i know, i know. i'll be waiting for my award by mail. but you can look at my mew plushies now!!
you can now learn about The Me. some about the me. because i have an about page now. but in some ways, i think the journey of discovering me was in the site we made along the way
i have... a collection of mew. more mew. find her.
got some of my stamps set up and made the skeleton of the collections page. i hope to make that a little more spiffy some time. about page... happening! someday. when i describe The Me, i say a sentence and then im like. ok well that's kinda it. so i'm trying to remember what all i wanna say
slowly but surely decorating the home page because i have a full day of training at work tomorrow OUUUGHhhg
but there's animated mews on the navigation now
officially launched Kitschymew!! very excited, i've been waffling on doing this for ages and ages, and it's nice to finally be doing it. will update when i can! there's lots to do. currently i have... no pages! my vague plan is to make an about page and start on the projects page, but the other important thing on the docket is to move all the files onto appropriate hosting and away from my various test hosting because right now everything is HOT