Atticus Stone

"I'm...! ... something. A suicune. Sort of."
—Pg. 17 "Someone Like You," Chapter 1: "Things Change"

Atticus Lambda Stone is a former genetic experiment. Prior to the events of the series, he lived with his mothers, Steven and Roxanne, the scientists who created him. At the beginning of the series, he is seen with Gamma for reasons he has not as of yet elaborated on, and indeed, is hesitant to do so. He is in the primary main characters group, along with Myu and Topaz.

In Chapter 1: "Things Change", he saves Myu from Gamma's rampage and agrees to stay with her for a while and help her with Topaz, stating, "[he doesn't] really have anywhere else to go."


Being the result of a genetic experiment, Atticus represents no known species. He has inherited traits from the various genes that were spliced into him. Those being: suicune and salamence as the primaries; and sawsbuck, pyroar, samurott, and whiscash as secondaries. He gains a wider, stockier build than a normal suicune and horns that do not form into a crystal-like shape; instead, his horns grow forward and curve inward toward each other without touching. His fur is a deep blue, and he has a white pattern that begins from his forehead and runs down his chest and underbelly. He has feathered wings that are a lighter blue than his fur that end in orange accents, yellow whiskers on his face that are similarly accented with orange on the end, and a lion tail with an orange puff of fur. His eyes are violet, with a third eye on his forehead that he usually keeps hidden that is a light green, showing that he has heterochromia.

Despite his numeric age, the "species" that Atticus has been born into appears to mature quickly, and he is actually in the teenage stage of his life.


Atticus: I’d say I’m pretty good, yeah.
Myu: How modest.
—Atticus and Myu, Pg. 42 "Pretty Good," Chapter 2: "Mingling With Monsters"

Although Atticus presents himself as easy-going and casual, this facade seems to break under even the slightest bit of stress, as often seen throughout the series. He is peaceable and avoids fighting at all costs; even if those costs happen to avoid resolving active conflict. He approaches most situations with a laidback attitude and jokes at-the-ready, which Myu, and especially Topaz, seem to enjoy, although the former finds it frustrating when he seems to not take threats seriously.



"I think anyone'd be lucky to be your friend. Er, I mean, you and Topaz, but… Um, definitely you."
—Pg. 554 "Returning," Chapter 8: "Topaz in the Rough"

Myu and Atticus have opposing worldviews due to the former's ingrained sheltered beliefs surrounding laboratories and variant pokemon. Even so, they seem to enjoy each other's company during downtime, as Atticus especially finds comfort in Myu's presence. He does everything in his power to keep her placated... including lying to her directly or by omission over relevant details about his past. Very notably, this includes the fact that he knows Gamma, the zoroark who killed Myu's mother. Myu, who is nonethewiser to this fact, likewise finds comfort in having someone else who can support her.

In addition to that lie, he has also kept other major events from her, notably fusing with Topaz in Chapter 3, and has yet to admit to her that he has three eyes, as he is very self-conscious of it. He believes Myu will think less of him for it, and so keeps to himself. Overall, he seems extremely guilty about keeping things from her, but seems to think of it as a necessary compulsion.

Atticus, who doesn't exert himself more than necessary, seems to find Myu's high-strung demeanor somewhat exhausting.


"I’m glad you’re my mom, Atty..."
—Topaz, Pg. 37 "Your Mother," Chapter 1: "Things Change"

Topaz is very fond of Atticus. Since he was there for her hatching, she seems to have imprinted upon him as a parent figure, referring to him initially as her mom.

Steven Collins

"Can I hide it forever? Well, how ‘bout this — If I couldn’t show Steven, I definitely can’t show Myu."
—Pg. 93 "Secret In Plain Sight," Chapter 3: "Painting the Town Red"

Roxanne Stone

"Love you, baby boy!"
—Roxanne, Pg. 295 "Kindling Interest In Arson," Chapter 6: "Little Lab of Horrors!"

Dr. Steele

"You are my favorite experiment, after all!"
—Dr. Steele, Pg. 424 "Put to Work," Chapter 6: "Little Lab of Horrors!"

Opal Clawdius

"So you’ve made friends of legendaries, have you? Quite impressive for someone like you."
—Opal, Pg. 179 "All Greek to Me," Chapter 3: "Painting the Town Red"

Abilities and Moves

Young Atticus using Flamethrower against Cosmo.


Atticus was taught Flamethrower by Dr. Steele when he was a year old (against his parents' better judgement). He initially had trouble grasping the technique after Dr. Steele used TM35 to imprint the move upon him[cit], but he was able to unlock the ability to save Steven's life while they were cornered by Cosmo.

Dragon Breath

Atticus using Ice Beam.

Ice Beam


Flight: With his wings, Atticus is able to fly.

Wit: Atticus seems able to come up with, and execute wordplay very quickly and on command. He is even able to do this in tense situations, or when he is in a bad mood.

Enhanced Sight: The third eye on his forehead appears to grant him a greater level of vision when it is open. He was more easily able to spot Topaz and Sandy from high in the air in Chapter 8. This third eye is able to look in different directions than his main two eyes, and he is able to process vision from these two sources at once.